One of the most effective ways to recognize, reward or accomplish an effective promotion is by way of a celebration that elevates all in attendance to VIP status. An "invitation only" event honors people among their peers, raises products above the competition, and awards excellence of service.
A VIP promotion may be informal or formal, with refreshments or dinner, with stage entertainment or simply providing face time with guests. Whatever the setting, it is a special event for special people with a special purpose.
Nashimoto & Associates can design and manage events for any occasion. We aid clients in hosting private VIP guest and customer appreciation cocktail parties or social mixer events, private concerts or professional collaboration and networking opportunities.
The success of such events are the result of its consistency over time. It can be given 2-3 times per year to coincide with peak periods of international visitor arrivals, seasonal gift-giving holidays or occasions, to treat existing customers to special events, to create a new customer base or to reward media for their past, present, and future value-added exposure.
The relaxed social and professional environment promotes personal relations, encourages networking beyond the event, and develops a friendship based word-of-mouth referrals. This is especially true when collaborating with representatives of Japanese associations, organizations, corporations in Hawaii, Asia, and other leading visitor markets.
Effective Event Elements:
"Invitation Only" events heightens a guest's special, exclusive, and prestigious feeling
Fun and exciting promotions become cherished memories talked about long after the event
Create a new or be a part of a recurring Holiday, cause, celebration or theme
Offer a sneak preview, before public release, of products, collections, or services
Introduction of new or improved products, collections, or people
Share appreciation of the company's history, traditions, culture, and its people
Distribution of take-away items, samples, literature, awards, and other incentives
Assigning multi-lingual speaking staff to serve Personal Shoppers for VIPs
Cause marketing auction, a donation drive for select charities
Performing arts, food sampling, test ride, fashion show, art display, and more
Special announcements to introduce limited edition or exclusive items (i.e., Hawaii exclusive, etc.)

Goals During Event:
Recognition that guests are special to the brand
Guests get to meet the people and organizations that endorse the brand
Enhance or establish personal relationships
Answer questions or comment to remedy brand misconceptions or ambiguities
Ask for guest for comments and questions to build trust
Reward current, add new customers/clients
Instant customer input on products, merchandise, services, etc.
Create a "must visit the store" excitement
Goals After Event:
Invitees "cash in" on incentives
Re-invite guests to drop in on their new "friends" at the store
Guests now invite their friends to join them at the store based on experience
Guests feel obligated to return for purchase
Follow up contact with guests to ask if they enjoyed themselves
Follow up reminders with guests for future special events, holidays, or celebrations
VIP Endorsements by Invitation:
Along with client's list, Nashimoto & Associates can include persons and organizations of great influence to the VIP guest list. These include celebrities, dignitaries, social, civil, political and business icons, and other influential persons in Hawaii to gain publicity. Such as:
Japan-America Society of Hawaii (JASH)
Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce (JJCC)
Japanese Women’s Society Foundation (JWSF)
Oahu Visitors Bureau (OVB) combined with Hawaii Tourism Japan (HTJ)
Hawaii Senior Life Enrichment Association (HISLEA)
Nashimoto & Associates VIP database.
Top Executives and Management of Leading Hawaii Companies
Governor’s Office
Mayor’s Office
Consulate(s) (i.e., Japan, China, Korea, etc.)
Hawaii Chinese Travel Association
Miss Hawaii USA
Miss Universe
Miss Hawaii Teen USA
And many more lifestyle influencers